

Basic Java

Features Of Java

      Features Of Java
      Features Removed from C and C++

Hello World

      Running Simple Hello World Program

Data Types

      Data Types in Java
      More About Primitive Types


      Operators in Java
            Arithmetic Operators: + - * / %
            Arithmetic Operators: ++ --
            Conditional Operators
                  not equal to (!=) operator
            Logical Operators
            Bit wise Operators
            Other Operators

Control Flow Statements

      Decisin Making: if, if-then
      Decision Making: switch
      Looping: while, do-while
      Looping: for
      Branching Statement: break
      Branching Statement: continue


            Single Dimensional Array
            Multi Dimensional Array
                 Jagged arrays: Multi Dimensional Arrays with different sizes
                 How to iterate over a two dimensional array in Java?

Documenting Your code

      Comments in Java
      Documentation Comments
      Javadoc tags
            @author tag
            @deprecated: Document deprecated APIS
            @exception: Specify the exception thrown by a method
            @param tag
            @return tag
            @see: Document other references
            @serial: Document meaning of serial fields
            @since tag
            @throws: specify the exception thrown by method
            @version: Specify current version of the release
            @inheritDoc: Inherit the documentation
            @link: Used to create inline links
            @value: Display constant values
      How to add package level documentation?

Classes And Objects

      Classes And Objects
            Declaring Class
            Creating Object
            Instance Variables
            Instance Methods
                  How to Define Method
                  More About Methods
                  Varargs:Variable number of arguments
                  Method Overloading
                  Varargs Overloading
            Class Variables
            Class Methods

More on Classes

      initializer blocks
      Static blocks
      Keyword : this
      Keyword : final
      Nested Classes
            Static Nested Classes
            Inner Classes
                  Local Classes
                  Anonymous Classes
      Lambda Expressions
      Lambda Expression Examples
            Lambda Expression to run a task
            Lambda Expression that accept two objects
            Lambda Expression that accepts two objects and return a result
            Lambda expression that return true or false for the given input values
            Lambda expression that returns a Boolean value
            Define lambda expression that accepts single value
            Lambda Expression that takes one value and return other
            Lambda expression that computes a value based on multiple inputs

More on Objects

      Stack Memory
      How to increase stack size in java
      Heap Memory
      How to increase Heap size in java
      Object Creation And Destruction
      Garbage Collection

About main method

      Main method
      Command Line Arguments


      Enum Types
      Declaring fields inside enum type
      Declaring method in enum
      Java.lang.Enum class
            compareTo : Compare two enum constants
            equals : Check for equality
            getDeclaringClass : get the enum constant Enum type
            name : Get the name Of enum constant
            ordinal : Get the Position of enum constant
      How to get all the enum keys or constants in Java?

Object Class

      Methods in Object Class
      getClass(): Get Run time class Of Object
            instanceof Vs getClass
      Get the hashCode of an Object
      equals(): Objects Equality
            Contract between hashCode and equals
      clone(): Get the clone of the object
      toString(): Return String representation of the Object
      notify, notifyAll()
      wait method
      finalize(): Perform clean up operations


      Interfaces in Java
      Interfaces As Reference Types
      Class can implement more than one interface
      Interface extends Other interface
      Class inside an Interface
      Interface inside an Interface
      Java8 Enhancements to Interface
            Interface : Default Methods
            Extending Interfaces That Contain Default Methods
            Interface : static Methods
            Default Method and Multiple Inheritance Ambiguity Problems
      How to check whether given class is an interface or not?


      Types of Inheritance
            Single Level Inheritance
            Multi Level Inheritance
            Hierarchical Inheritance
            Multiple Inheritance
            Hybrid Inheritance
            Multipath Inheritance
      Overriding Methods
            Covariant return type
      Hiding methods
      Usage Of Polymorphism
      Hiding Fields
      super keyword
      final keyword
            final variables
            final Classes and Methods
      Abstract Methods and Abstract Classes
            Abstract Class versus Interface

Garbage Collection

      Garbage Collection
      Java Memory Management
      Reference Counting Approach
      Mark-Sweep Approach
      Copying Collectors
      Mark-Compacting Approach
      Generational Garbage Collectors
      Young Generation, Old Generation, Permanent Generation
      Thread Local Allocation Buffers
      Card Tables
      Different Garbage Collectors

Exception Handling

      Handling the Exceptions
            try block
            catch block
            Catching More Than One Exception with One Handler
            finally block
            throws clause
            throw clause
            throw Vs throws
            try with Resources Statement
                  AutoCloseable interface
      Suppressed Exceptions
            Java7 Support for Suppressed Exceptions
      Exception Hierarchy
            Error Vs Exception
            Throwable class
                  Stack Trace
                  Printing Stack traces
                  Get the stack trace
                  Fill Stack Trace
                  Chained Exceptions
      User defined Exceptions
      checked vs unchecked Exceptions
      Method Overriding And Exception Handling
      Stack Trace Element
            create a stack trace element
            Extract information from StackTraceElement


      Introduction To Threads
      Creating Thread by Extending Thread class
      Creating Thread by implementing Runnable interface
      Exploring Thread API
            thread status isAlive
            Make a thread sleep
            Interrupt Thread
            Check Interrupted status
            Clear Interrupt status
            Daemon Threads
            Thread Priorities
            Giving Up Processor
            Volatile Keyword
            Synchronized Methods
            Synchronized block
            static Synchronized methods
            thread status isAlive
      Inter Thread Communication
            Thread join
            Producer Consumer Problem
            Thread wait
            Thread notify
      Thread States
            Get the state of a thread
      Why Wait and Notify is in Object Class
      Dead Lock
            Dead lock Example
      Stack Trace
            Get the Stack trace of a thread
            Get the Stack traces of all Threads
      Active Threads Count
      Show all active threads
      Thread Groups
            Create a Thread Group
            Add thread to Thread Group
            Get the Parent Group
            Find number of subgroups
            Find sub groups of thread group
            Active Threads of group
            Set priority to thread group
            get priority of thread group
            Interrupt Thread Group
            Daemon Thread Group
            Destroy Thread group
      TimeUnit class
            Return all TimeUnit constants
            Return TimeUnit Constant
            Time unit conversion
            Other time conversion methods
            Timed Wait
            Timed Join
      Thread Pools
            Executor Interface
            Callable Interface
                  Difference between Runnable Vs Callable
            Future Interface
                  get result of task
                  get result of task Cont
                  cancel task execution
                  Check completion status of task
                  Cancellation status
            ExecutorService Interface
                  shutdown Executor
                  Immediate shutdown
                  Check the shutdown status
                  Wait until shutdown the executor
                  Submit callable task to the Executor
                  Submit Runnable task to the Executor
                  Get the Result of Runnable task
                  Submit number of Callable tasks at a time
                  Submit number of Callable tasks at a time in given time period
                  Submit number of Callable tasks at a time and get the result of one task
                  Submit number of Callable tasks at a time in given time period and get the result of one task


      String Literal Pool
      Strings Immutability
      Advantages Of Immutability
      String Class
            String Constructors
                  String (byte[] bytes)
                  String (byte[] bytes, Charset charset)
                  String Constructors
                  String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
                  String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, Charset charset)
                  String (byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, String charsetName)
                  String(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length, String charsetName)
                  String(byte[] bytes, String charsetName)
                  String(char[] value)
                  String(char[] value, int offset, int count)
                  String(int[] codePoints, int offset, int count)
                  String(String original)
                  String(StringBuffer buffer)
                  String(StringBuilder builder)
            charAt(int index)
            codePointAt(int index) : get the code point at index
            codePointBefore(int index) : get the code point at index
            codePointCount(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
            compareTo(String anotherString) : Compare two Strings
            compareToIgnoreCase(String str)
            concat(String str)
            contains(CharSequence s)
            contentEquals(CharSequence cs)
            contentEquals(StringBuffer sb)
            copyValueOf(char[] data)
            copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count)
            endsWith(String suffix)
            equals(Object anObject)
            equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString)
            format(Locale l, String format, Object... args)
            format(String format, Object... args)
            getBytes(Charset charset)
            getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin)
            hashCode() : Get the Hash Code of the String
            indexOf(int ch)
            indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex)
            indexOf(String str)
            indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
            join(CharSequence delimiter, CharSequence... elements)
            join(CharSequence delimiter, Iterable elements)
            lastIndexOf(int ch)
            lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex)
            lastIndexOf(String str)
            lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
            matches(String regex)
            offsetByCodePoints(int index, int codePointOffset)
            regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len)
            regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len)
            replace(char oldChar, char newChar)
            replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement)
            replaceAll(String regex, String replacement)
            replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
            split(String regex)
            split(String regex, int limit)
            startsWith(String prefix)
            startsWith(String prefix, int toffset)
            subSequence(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
            substring(int beginIndex)
            substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex)
            toLowerCase(Locale locale)
            toUpperCase(Locale locale)
            valueOf(boolean b)
            valueOf(char c)
            valueOf(char[] data)
            valueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count)
            valueOf(double d)
            valueOf(float f)
            valueOf(int I)
            valueOf(long l)
            valueOf(Object obj)


      Benefits Of Packages
      How to Create a Package
      Package Naming Conventions
      porting packages
      Static import
      Access Specifiers


      Declaring Annotations
      Annotation Types
            Marker Annotation type
            Single-Element Annotation type
            Multi-element Annotation type
      Defaults for Annotation Type Elements
      Where Annotations Types Applicable
            Declaration Context
            Type Contexts
      Predefined Annotation types
            Simple Testing tool using Annotations
            Get the annotation details present on a class
            How to check whether given class is an annotation or not?


      Benefits Of Generics
      Generic Class
      Generic Interface
      Naming Conventions
      Unchecked Warning Messages
      Generic Methods
      Bounded Type Parameters
      Multiple Bounds
      Generics And Inheritance
      Wild cards
            Upper Bounded Wildcards
            Lower Bounded Wildcards
            Unbounded Wildcards
            Object Vs wild card
            Inheritance using wild cards
            Wild Card Capture
      Type Erasure
            Erasure of Generic Methods


            Collections Framework
            Benefits Of Collections
      Interfaces in Collections API
            Collection Interface
                  Methods in the Collection Interface
            Set Interface
                  Methods in Set Interface
                  Search For An Element in the Set
                  Traverse Set
                  Copy Set Data to Object Array
                  Copy Set Data to Array of Specific Type
                  Add an Element to the Set
                  Remove Element from the Set
                  Search collection in a Set
                  Add a Collection to Set
                  Retain the Elemets of a Collection
                  Remove collection from a Set
                  Clears elements in a set
                  Check for Set Equality
                  Get Hash Code of the set
            SortedSet Interface
                  comparator : Get the comparator used to order this Set
                  subSet : Get the subset
                  headSet : get the Head Set of this set upto specific element
                  tailSet : get the Tail Set of this set from specific element
                  first : Get the lowest Element currently in the Set
                   last : Get the highest Element currently in the Set
            NavigableSet Interface
                  descendingIterator : Get the Descending iterator
                  descendingSet: Get the Descending Set
                  headSet (E toElement, boolean inclusive)
                  higher(E e) : get least Greater element for this element
                  iterator : Get the iterator for this Set
                   lower : Get greates lower element of this element
                  pollFirst : Retrieves and Removes the lowest Element
                  pollLast : Retrieves and Removes the Highest Element
                  subSet (E fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, E toElement, boolean toInclusive)
                  subSet (E fromElement, E toElement)
                  tailSet (E fromElement, boolean inclusive)
                  comparator : Get the comparator used to order this Set
            List Interface
                  size() : Number Of Elements in the List
                  IsEmpty() : Check Whether List is empty
                  contains : Search element in the list
                  iterator : Traverse the list
                  toArray() : get the List Data as Object Array
                  Copy List Data to Array of Specific Type
                  Add Element to the List
                  remove : Remove Element from the List
                  containsAll : Search for a Collection of elements
                  addAll : Add Collection of Elements
                  Add Collection of Data to List from specific index
                  removeAll : Remove collection of elements
                  retainAll : Retain Elements
                  Clear() : Removes all of the elements from this list
                  equals : Compare two lists
                  hashCode of the List
                  get : Get ArrayList Item by using Index
                  set : Replace element at particular index
                  Insert Element At Particular position
                  Removes the element at the specified position
                  Get the First Occurrence of the Element
                  Get the Last Occurrence of the Element
                  Iterate the List
                  Iterate the List from Specific index
                  Get the Sub List
                  Set Vs List
            Queue Interface
                  offer : Insert Element
                  remove : Retrieves and removes the head of this queue
                  poll : Retrieve and Removes the head Of the Queue
                  element : Retrieves the Head Of the Queue
                  peek : Retrieves the head of this queue
            Deque Interface
                  addFirst:Inserts the element at the front
                  addLast : Inserts the element at the end of this deque
                  offerFirst : Inserts the element at the front of the deque
                  offerLast : Inserts the element at the end of the deque
                  removeFirst : Retrieves and removes the first element of deque
                  removeLast : Retrieves and removes the last element of the deque
                  pollFirst : Retrieves and removes the first element of this deque
                  pollLast : Retrieves and removes the last element of this deque
                  getFirst : Retrieves the first element of this deque
                  getLast : Retrieves the last element of this deque
                  peekFirst : Retrieves the first element of this deque
                  peekLast : Retrieves the last element of this deque
                  removeFirstOccurrence : Removes the first occurrence of the element
                  removeLastOccurrence : Removes the last occurrence of the element
                  add : Inserts the element into the queue
                  offer : Inserts the element into the queue
                  remove : Retrieves and removes the head of the queue
                  poll : Retrieves and removes the head of the queue
                  element : Retrieves the head of the queue
                  peek : Retrieves the head of the queue
                  push : Pushes an element onto the deque
                  Pop : Pops an element from the Deque
                  remove : Removes the first occurrence of the element
                  contains : Search for specific Element
                  size : Number Of Elements in Deque
                  iterator : Iterate in proper sequence
                  descendingIterator : Iterate reverse order
            Map Interface
                  size : Number Of Key-value Mappings
                  isEmpty : Check whether Map is Empty or not
                  containsKey : Search for a Key in the Map
                  containsValue : Search for Value in the Map
                  get : Get the Value from key
                  put : Insert Key, value to map
                  remove : Remove from Map
                  putAll : Copies Data from a map to other map
                  clear : Clear the Map
                  keySet : get All keys from Map
                  values : Get all Values from the Map
                  entrySet : View all mappings in the Map
                  Map.Entry interface
                        getKey : get the key corresponding to this entry
                        getValue : get the value corresponding to this entry
                        setValue : Replaces the value corresponding to this entry
                        Map.Entry : equals : Check for Entries Equality
                        Map.Entry : hashCode : HashCode for the Map Entry
                  equals : Check for Maps Equality
                  hashCode : hash code value for this map
      Classes In Collection API
                  Constructors in HashSet
                        HashSet (int initialCapacity)
                        HashSet (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
                        HashSet(Collection c)
                  add : Add an element to the Set
                  clear : Clear the data in HashSet
                  clone : Clone Hash Set
                  contains : Search for an Element
                  isEmpty() : Check whether HashSet is empty or not
                  iterator : Returns an iterator to iterate the list
                  remove : Remove an element from HashSet
                  size : get the Number of Elements in HashSet
                  equals : Check for Sets Equality
                  hashCode : Get the Hash Code of the Map
                  removeAll : Remove Collection Of elements
                  addAll : Add Collection of Data to HashSet
                  containsAll : Search for a Collection of Elements
                  retainAll : Retain all the Elements from a Collection
                  toArray : Convert HashSet data to Object Array
                  toArray : Convert HashSet data to Array of Specific Type
                  toString : Return String Representation Of the HashSet
                  Constructors in TreeSet
                        TreeSet(Collection c)
                        TreeSet (Comparator comparator)
                        TreeSet (SortedSet s)
                  add : add Element to TreeSet
                  addAll : Add Collection of data to TreeSet
                  ceiling : Get Least greater than Element
                  clear() : Remove all elements from TreeSet
                  clone : Clone the TreeSet
                  comparator : Get the Comparator used
                  contains : Search for Element in TreeSet
                  descendingIterator : Get the Descending Iterator
                  descendingSet: Get the Descending Set
                  first : Get the lowest Element currently in the Set
                  headSet (E toElement, boolean inclusive)
                  higher(E e) : get least Greater element for this element
                  iterator : Get the iterator for this Set
                  lower : Get the highest Element currently in the Set
                  pollFirst : Retrieves and Removes the lowest Element
                  pollLast : Retrieves and Removes the Highest Element
                  remove : Remove Element from the Set
                  size : Remove Element from the Set
                  subSet (E fromElement, boolean fromInclusive, E toElement, boolean toInclusive)
                  subSet ( E fromElement, E toElement )
                  tailSet : get the Tail Set of this set from specific element
                  tailSet ( E fromElement, boolean inclusive )
                  equals : Check for Set Equality
                  hashCode : Get Hash Code of the set
                  removeAll : Remove collection from a Set
                  containsAll : Search collection in a Set
                  retainAll :Retain the Elemets of a Collection
                  toArray: Copy Set Data to Object Array
                  toArray : Copy Set Data to Array of Specific Type
                  toString : Returns a string representation of this collection
                  Hashset vs Treeset
                  Constructors in HashSet
                        LinkedHashSet (int initialCapacity)
                        LinkedHashSet (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
                        LinkedHashSet( Collection c )
                  HashSet Vs LinkedHashSet
                  Difference between HashSet ,LinkedHashSet and TreeSet
                  allOf : Creates an enum set
                  clone() : Returns a copy of this set
                  copyOf ( Collection c)
                  copyOf (EnumSet s)
                        of( E e )
                        of( E e1, E e2 )
                        of( E e1, E e2, E e3 )
                        of( E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4 )
                        of( E e1, E e2, E e3, E e4, E e5 )
                        of(E first, E... rest)
                  range (E from, E to)
                        public Vector()
                        public Vector ( int initialCapacity)
                        public Vector(int initialCapacity, int capacityIncrement)
                        public Vector( Collection c)
                  add : Add Element to Vector
                  add( int index, E element) : Add data at specific index
                  addAll (Collection c)
                  addElement : add Element to Vector
                  add vs addElement
                  capacity : Get the Capacity
                  clear : Remove all Elements
                  clone : Clone the Vector
                  contains : Search for an element
                  containsAll : Search for a Collection of Elements
                  copyInto : Copy Elements Of Vector to Array
                  elementAt : Get Element at index
                  elements : Get Elements in Enumeration format
                  equals : Checks for Equality
                  firstElement : get the First Element
                  get : get the Element at Specific index
                  hashCode : Get the hash code
                  indexOf(Object o) : get the index of Element
                  indexOf(Object o, int index)
                  insertElementAt(E obj, int index)
                  isEmpty : Check whether Vector empty or not
                  iterator : get the iterator
                  lastElement : Get the last element of the vector
                  lastIndexOf : Get the Last Index of Element
                  lastIndexOf (Object o, int index)
                  listIterator(int index) : Get iterator from index
                  remove (int index) : Remove Element at Particular index
                  remove (Object o) : Remove specific object
                  removeAll (Collection c) : Remove Collection of Elements
                  removeAllElements : Remove All Elements
                  removeElement : Removes Element
                  removeElementAt : Remove Element at Particular position
                  removeRange (int fromIndex, int toIndex)
                  retainAll : Retain Collection of Elements
                  set : Replace Element at index
                  setElementAt (E obj, int index) : Replace Element at index
                  setSize : Set the Size of the vector
                  size : Get number Of elements in vector
                  subList : get the Sub List
                  toArray() : get the Vector Data as object Array
                  toString : get the String representation of vector
                  trimToSize : Trim Size
                  empty() : Tests whether stack is empty or not
                  peek : Get the top element of the Stack
                  pop() : Pop Element
                  push (E item) : Push Element to the stack
                  pop() : Pop Element
                  search : Search for an element in Stack
                        public LinkedList()
                        public LinkedList (Collection c)
                  add : Add element to the End of List
                  add(int index, E element) : Add element at particular index
                  addAll(Collection c) : Add Collection Of Data
                  addAll(int index, Collection c) : Add Collection of data from specific index
                  addFirst : Insert Element at the beginning of Linked List
                  addLast : Insert Element at the End of Linked List
                  clear : Clear the Elements in LinkedList
                  clone : Clone the LinkedList
                  contains (Object o) : Search for an Element
                  descendingIterator : gets the Descending iterator
                  add(int index, E element) : Add element at particular index
                  addAll(Collection c) : Add Collection Of Data
                  element : get the Head of the List
                  get : Get the Element at Specific index
                  getFirst : Get the First Element of the List
                  getLast : get the Last Element in the List
                  indexOf : get the index of Element
                  lastIndexOf : Get the last occurrence index of Element
                  listIterator(int index) : Get the List Iterator from specific index
                  offer : Add element to the tail of list
                  offerFirst : Add element at front of the list
                  offerLast : Insert at End of List
                  peek : Get the Head of the List
                  peekFirst : Get the Head of the List
                  peekLast : Get Last Element of the List
                  poll : Retrieves and Removes the Head of the List
                  pollFirst : Retrieves and Removes First Element
                  pollLast : Retrieves and removes the last element of this list
                  pop : Pop Element from the stack
                  push : Pushes an element onto the stack
                  remove : Retrieves and removes the head of the list
                  remove(int index) : Removes the element at the specified position in this list.
                  remove(Object o) : Remove first occurrence of Specific Object
                  removeFirst : Removes and returns the first element from this list
                  removeFirstOccurrence (Object o) : Removes the first Occurrence of the Element
                  removeLast : Removes and returns the last element from this list.
                  removeLastOccurrence (Object o) : Removes the Last Occurrence of given element
                  set : Replace value at particular index
                  size : Get the size of the List
                  toArray : Get the Array Representation Of List
                  toArray (T[] a) : Copy List data to Array Of Specific type
                  iterator : Returns Iterator over List
                  equals : Compare two lists for Equality
                  hashCode : Get the HashCode of the list
                  listIterator : Iterate the List
                  removeRange : Remove range Of Elements
                  subList : Get the Sub List
                  containsAll : Search for a Collection of elements
                  isEmpty : Check Whether List is empty
                  removeAll : Remove collection of elements
                  retainAll : Retain Elements
                  hashCode : Get the HashCode of the list
                  hashCode : Get the HashCode of the list
                  ArrayList Vs Vector
                  ArrayList Vs LinkedList
                        HashMap (int initialCapacity)
                        HashMap (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor)
                        HashMap(Map m)
                  clear() : Removes all the mappings from this map
                  clone() : Returns a shallow copy of this HashMap instance
                  containsKey(Object key) : Search for a key in HashMap
                  containsValue (Object value) : Search for a value in the Map
                  entrySet() : Get all the Entries in the Map
                  get(Object key) : Get the Value Associated with the Key
                  isEmpty : Check whether Map is Empty or not
                  keySet : Get All the Keys in the Map
                  put : Put a key, value mapping to the Map
                  putAll : Copy All Mapping's to Specific Map
                  remove : remove Mapping
                  size : Get the Number Of Key-Value Pairs
                  values : Get All the Values in the Map
                  Difference between hashSet and hashMap
                        public TreeMap()
                        TreeMap (Comparator comparator)
                        TreeMap (Map m)
                        TreeMap (SortedMap m)
                  ceilingEntry : Get the ceiling entry specific to this key
                  ceilingKey(K key) : get the ceiling key specific to this key
                  clear() : Removes all the mappings from this map
                  clone() : Returns a shallow copy of this HashMap instance
                  comparator() : Get the comparator used
                  containsKey (Object key) : Search for a key in HashMap
                  containsValue : Search for a value in the Map
                  descendingKeySet : Get the Reverse order set view of keys
                  descendingMap() : Get the Descending Map
                  entrySet() : Get All Mappings in Set format
                  firstEntry() : get the First Entry in TreeMap
                  firstKey() : Get the First Key currently in the map
                  floorEntry (K key) : Get the Floor Entry of this key
                  floorKey (K key) : Get the Floor key specific to this key
                  get (Object key) : Get the Value mapped to specific key
                  headMap (K toKey) : Get sorted map whose keys are strictly less than toKey
                  headMap (K toKey, boolean inclusive)
                  higherEntry (K key) : get the Mapping with least key strictly greater than the given key
                  higherKey (K key) : get the least key strictly greater than the given key
                  keySet() : Get All keys in TreeMap
                  lowerEntry (K key) : Get mapping associated with the greatest key strictly less than this key
                  lowerKey (K key) : Get greatest key strictly less than given key
                  navigableKeySet () : get Navigable set view of keys
                  put(K key, V value) : Insert mapping to TreeMap
                  putAll (Map map)
                  remove (Object key) : Remove mapping
                  size() : get the number of Maps
                  subMap (K fromKey, boolean fromInclusive, K toKey, boolean toInclusive)
                  subMap (K fromKey, K toKey)
                  tailMap (K fromKey)
                  tailMap (K fromKey, boolean inclusive)
                  values() : Get Collection view of values
                  HashMap Vs TreeMap

java.lang.ref package

      java.lang.ref package Overview
      Strong reachable Object
      Weak Reference in Java
            Constructors in WeakReference class
            WeakReference (T referent)
            Reference Queue
            WeakReference (T referent, ReferenceQueue q)
      Reference Class
            get() : Get reference object's referent
            clear : Clear the reference object
            isEnqueued() : Check whether this reference object en queued
            enqueue() : Add reference object to the queue
      Soft Reference in Java
            Using Soft Reference for Caching
      Phantom Reference


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