Python Tutorial


      Why should I learn python?
      Install python on MAC OS
      How to check whether python installed or not?
      Hello World program
      Hello world application in sublime text editor
      interactive command line
      Zen Of Python principles
            Arithmetic Operators
            Relational Operators
            Assignment operators
            Logical Operators
            Bitwise Operators
            Membership operators
            Identity operators
            Short circuit operators
            Multiple assignments
            Python do not have ++ (incremental), -- (decremental) operators
            Python: ternary operator
            Python: Membership operators: in, not in
            Change each word of string to title case
            Convert string to lower and upper case
            Insert variable value in a string
            Trim white spaces
            How to place single quotes in a string
            How to place double quotes in a string
            python: Escape \n (new line) character
            Escape special characters in python
            Python: formatting strings
            Python: Define multi line strings
            Concatenate int and string
      if condition
      while statement
      What values represent True
      for statement
      range function
      break statement
      continue statement
      loop exercises
            functions: return statement
            functions: Default Argument Values
            functions: Keyword arguments
            functions: Arbitrary number of arguments
            Python: Define nested function
      Lambda expressions
      Documentation strings
            access last element of a list
            Length (or) number of elements in the list
            Modify element at specific index
            list: append an element
            list extend: append elements of given list
            insert: Insert an element at given position
            list remove: Remove an element
            list: pop: remove last element in the list
            list: clear all elements in the list
            list: index: Get index of element
            list: sort elements of list
            Sort a list but do not affect original one
            count: Count number of times element appears
            list: Reverse elements of list
            list: Copy elements of list
            in: Check for existence of element in the list
            list: del: delete elements
            Looping over lists
            Get list of numbers using range function
            Get minimum element from list of elements
            Get maximum element from list of elements
            Get sum of list of numbers
            List comprehensions
            Copy entire list
            in: check for existence of element
            not in: Check for non-existence of element in the list
      Check list emptiness using if condition
            Iterate over elements of a tuple
      Find intersection and union of lists
            looping over dictionary
            Looping over a dictionary using keys
            Looping through the dictionary in the sorted order of keys
            Looping through all values in a dictionary
            List of dictionaries
            Dictionary in a dictionary
            List in a dictionary
      Executable statements in module
      import functions from module directly
      import module in other module
      Command line arguments
      __pycache__ directory
      Compile all modules
      Primary secondary prompts
      get names of module
      Get names of built-in functions
      File handling
      Reading files
      Write data to file
      Append data to a file
      Get file object current position
      seek: Change file object position
      with : Predefined Clean-up Actions
      classes and objects
      built in class attributes
      Class methods in Python
      __init__ method
      Overloading __init__ method
      Class Vs Instance variables
      Destroy objects: Garbage collection
      Multiple inheritance
      Python: Method overriding
      Get the doc string associated with a class
      __del()__ method
      Handling Exceptions
      Raising Exceptions
      User defined exceptions
      finally clause
      Python: Print exception stack trace
      global keyword
      Reading input
      Convert string to an integer
      Get current local encoding
      print on same line
      How to clear screen in python
      Get module name
      Get type of variable
      Generate random numbers
      Check whether an object is instance of class or not
      Get process and parent process ids
      __str__(): Print object using print method
      Python: What is None
      Python: pass keyword: execute nothing
      Python: iterators in python
      Python: Implement custom iterator
      Python: Generators, yield demo
      Python: Generator to produce infinite items
      Python: Generator expressions
      Python: assert statements
      Python: deep copy vs shallow copy
      Python: Working with namedtuple
      Python: Working with decorators
      visual studio code: How to change the python version?


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