Hadoop Tutorial

      Introduction to Hadoop

      HDFS Architecture
            Rack awareness in Hadoop HDFS
            What is block reporting in Hadoop hdfs?
            What is an edge node in Hadoop?
      Hadoop installation modes
            Hadoop: Single Node Installation
            Setup Hadoop using cloudera quick start vm
                   Full screen mode is not working in virtual machine
                  How to copy clip board content between a VirtualBox and my system
                  How to create a shared folder between VirtualBox and my computer?
      Hadoop File system commands
            HDFS: Print list of all the commands
            HDFS: What is the hdfs home directory for cloudera quick vm
            Cannot create directory, Name node is in safe mode
            copyFromLocal: copy multiple files from local system to HDFS
                   Copy folder content from local file system to hdfs
            cat : display contents of a file
            copyToLocal: Copy file from hdfs to local system
                   Copy folder from hdfs to local system
            count: count number of files, direcotories, content size in a folder
            cp: copy files from one HDFS locaiton to other HDFS location
            df : Display free space
            du: du: displays amount of space used by files
                   Get brief summary of the space consumed by a directory or file
            expunge: Empty the trash
            get: copy files from HDFS to local system
                   Copy folder from hdfs to local system
            help: Get help about any hdfs command
            ls: lists all files
                   print the files by created time stamp
                   Print files by their size
                   print files size in human readable form
                   recursively print content of a directory
                   print file paths only
            mkdir: Create Directory
                  Create parent directories along the path
            moveFromLocal: move file from local system to HDFS
            mv: move files from one HDFS location to other HDFS locaiton
            put: copy multiple files from local system to HDFS.
            rm: Remove files
                   remove a directory recursively
            rmdir: remove empty directory
            stat: Print stats about a file
            tail: Get last kilobyte of the file
            text: output file in Text format
            touchz: create a file of zero length
            usage: help for a command
            Working with file permissions
            fsck: print hdfc file blocks, and their location
      HDFS: snapshots
            How to get Snapshots Difference Report
      getmerge: Concatenate all files in source directory
      Access control list (ACL)
      setrep: Change replication factor of a file
      How to get the replication factor of a hdfs file?
      HDFS: Extended attributes
      HDFS Web Interface
      Get statistics of HDFS
      Safemode of Namenode
      Checkpoint Node
      HDFS: Java program to read data
            HDFS: Java program to write data
            HDFS: java program to create directory
            HDFS: Java querying file system
            HDFS: Java listing files
      HDFS: Java program to delete a file
      Quick guide to Hadoop MapReduce
            MapReduce: word count application
            Map Reduce: count number of lines in a file
            Map Reduce: count number of characters in a file
            What is the role of partitioning in Hadoop MapReduce?
                  Custom Partitioner
            What is shuffling in MapReduce?
            What is sorting phase in MapReduce?
            MapReduce counters
            Map Reduce job configuration
            Hadoop Input formats
            MapReduce: InputSplit
            What is Map Only Job in Hadoop?
            How to configure number of reducers to a MapReduce job?
      What is the behaviour, when I keep on adding the same file to a HDFS folder?
      How to overwrite an existing file in HDFS?


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