Web Programming Unleashed


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Bob Breedlove, et al.


Chapter   An Overview of Internet Programming

Chapter   WWW Design Issues

Chapter   Security and Encryption

Chapter   Developing Intranet Applications

Chapter   Java and the Internet

Chapter   Java Development Environments

Chapter   Introduction to Java

Chapter   Java Programming

Chapter   Visual J++: Tools for the Internet and the Desktop

Chapter 10   Extending Java Using ActiveX

Chapter 11   Perl and the Internet

Chapter 12   CGI and the Internet

Chapter 13   Using CGI in Internet Applications

Chapter 14   The Perl Language

Chapter 15   Perl in Internet Applications

Chapter 16   Microsoft Implementation Approach

Chapter 17   Using the Win32 Internet (WinInet) API

Chapter 18   JavaScript and the Internet

Chapter 19   The JavaScript Language

Chapter 20   JavaScript in Internet Applications

Chapter 21   VBScript and the Internet

Chapter 22   The VBScript Language

Chapter 23   VBScript Application Pages

Chapter 24   CGI Scripting with the UNIX Shell

Chapter 25   HyperText Markup Language (HTML)

Chapter 26   SGML

Chapter 27   Netscape Extensions

Chapter 28   Microsoft Internet Explorer-Only HTML Tags

Chapter 29   Shockwave and Lingo

Chapter 30   Creating an ActiveX Control To Activate a Web Page

Chapter 31   VDOlive Technology

Chapter 32   Creating Netscape Navigator Plug-Ins

Chapter 33   Pulling Web Information

Chapter 34   International Considerations

Chapter 35   Creating a Custom, Integrated Application with Multiple Protocols

Chapter 36   RealAudio


Web Programming Unleashed

Copyright © 1996 by Sams.net Publishing


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About the Authors

Robert F. Breedlove

Robert Breedlove is a senior systems engineer with EDS. He has over 20 years of experience in data processing, including extensive client/server, UNIX, intranet, and Internet experience. He can be reached at


or at his home page


William F. (Bill) Anderson

Upon graduation from the University of Idaho in 1968, Bill Anderson joined the U.S. Air Force as a communications officer and worked on several computer networking projects including AUTODIN. After leaving the service, he worked on several online banking systems and online railroad systems. In 1979, he started working with UNIX and in 1983, he joined Destek to write its Ethernet driver. This marked the beginning of a career in TCP/IP networking and the Internet, including a stint as the Technical Manager for NetMedia in Israel. In 1995, Bill Anderson returned to the United States and now teaches courses on networking, client/server, HTML, Java, network security, and system administration. He is the author of Source File Management with SCCS (Prentice Hall, 1992) and Building UNIX System V Software (Prentice Hall, 1994).

Billy Barron

Billy Barron just started a new job as a Senior Software Engineer programming mostly in Java at the Bruton Center for the University of Texas at Dallas. Previously, he worked for almost 10 years as a systems/Internet adminstrator and has an MS in Computer Science from the University of North Texas. He has co-authored and tech edited numerous books, including Netscape 3 UnleashedCreating Web Applets with Java, and Tricks of the Java Programming Gurus. You can reach Billy at




Mark Bishop

Mark Bishop writes from Southern California and specializes in setting up new companies on the Internet. He's the author of The Internet Times, a weekly online publication, and other various Internet articles. He can be reached at


or visit his home page at


Keith Brophy

Keith Brophy has many years of experience in the design, development, and testing of software systems. He is currently a software release coordinator for X-Rite, Incorporated, a leading worldwide provider of color and appearance quality control software and instrumentation in Grandville, Michigan. Before that, he was a lead software developer for IBM's System Integration and Federal Systems divisions in the Washington, D.C. area and worked on a wide variety of systems. His experience includes building Internet systems in the "pre-Web" era. During this time, he also was responsible for various operating systems, performance, and graphical user interface research and development projects. He has taught in various venues, including Northern Virginia Community College and as the advanced Visual Basic adjunct faculty member at Grand Rapids Community College.

Mr. Brophy, along with Mr. Koets, co-authored Visual Basic 4 Performance Tuning and Optimization (Sams 1996) and was a contributing author for Visual Basic 4.0 Unleashed (Sams 1995). He also served as technical editor on Real-World Programming with Visual Basic (Sams 1995) and the revised edition of Teach Yourself Visual Basic 4 in 21 Days (Sams 1995). He has a B.S. in computer science from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor and an M.S. in information systems from Strayer College in Washington, D.C. Mr. Brophy is the founder of DoubleBlaze Software Consortium (www.DoubleBlaze.com), an ActiveX Internet research and development company involved in endeavors such as research for this book.

António Miguel Ferreira

António Miguel Ferreira is one of the founders and the Web expert of Esoterica S.A., an Internet Service Provider in Portugal. He graduated in Computer Science and Engineering in INSA Lyon, France. He has developed financial-analysis software and currently manages several corporate Web sites for different kinds of clients based on different hardware and software platforms. He has authored technical articles in several magazines, and his other books include CGI Programming Unleashed (Sams.net) and Searching for Gold in The Internet. For additional information, contact him via e-mail at


or at his home page


Edward Hooban

Edward Hooban is a programmer with enterWorks.com, a company that provides software for intranets, including Virtual DB, NetSeer, and NetFlow. Mr. Hoooban has been involved with the electronic publishing field for over four years. He has worked as a programmer or analyst for companies such as Ernst & Young LLP, MCI, Jet Propulsion Labs, and Thomson Technology. He loves to write business plans in his spare time.

Daniel I. Joshi

Daniel I. Joshi is the managing partner of a Microsoft Solution Provider consulting company, The Joshi Group, which provides consulting services to Fortune 500 companies in the Los Angeles, California area. Before becoming a full-time author, his corporate consulting background included work for Fortune 500 companies. As a published technical author he is a contributor to Java Developer's Reference (ISBN: 1-57521-129-7), and the leading author of Teach Yourself Café in 21 Days (ISBN: 1-57521-157-2) both with Sams Publishing.

Timothy Koets

Timothy Koets is a software engineer at X-Rite, Incorporated, a leading worldwide provider of color and appearance quality control software and instrumentation in Grandville, Michigan. Before this, Mr. Koets was a computer systems engineer in the Systems Engineering and Integration division of Martin Marietta in the Washington, D.C., area. In addition to developing Visual Basic applications, Mr. Koets has experience in many other areas including Visual C++, computer networking, client/server applications design, parallel processing and performance analysis. He, too, has previous experience building pre-Web systems that were Internet aware. Mr. Koets is an adjunct faculty member at Grand Rapids Community college, where he teaches advanced Visual Basic, and has prior teaching experience ranging from computer programming and engineering laboratory classes to Lotus Notes training courses.

Mr. Koets, along with Mr. Brophy, co-authored Visual Basic 4 Performance Tuning and Optimization (Sams 1996) and was a contributing author for Visual Basic 4.0 Unleashed (Sams 1995). He has a B.S. and an M.S. in electrical engineering from Michigan Technological University in Houghton, Michigan. Mr. Koets is the founder of Cockatiel Software, an Internet research and development company that is an affiliate of DoubleBlaze Software Consortium (www.DoubleBlaze.com).

Bryan Morgan

Bryan Morgan is a software engineer with TASC, Inc. in Fort Walton Beach, Florida. He holds a Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Clemson University and has also authored material for several other books by Sams.net, including Java Developer's Reference. Bryan and his wife, Becky, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of their first child in November, 1996.

Rob McGregor

Fascinated by computers since he can remember, Rob McGregor began exploring computer programming in BASIC as a teenager in 1978. Since then, Rob has worked as a programmer, software consultant, and 3D computer artist, and he has written a variety of programs for Microsoft and numerous other companies. In 1992 he founded Screaming Tiki Interactive, a software development company that specializes in interactive graphics and multimedia applications for Microsoft Windows. Rob lives in Rockledge, Florida, and in his free time enjoys ray tracing, reading, writing, and playing classical and electric guitar. You can contact Rob via e-mail at


Zan Oliphant

Zan Oliphant is part of a rebel group of software consultants in south Florida who specialize in Internet applications and multimedia device drivers. He has 10 years of experience in writing device drivers and applications for Windows, DOS, OS/2, Macintosh, and UNIX. Zan and his fellow PC programming cronies (left over from IBM's personal computer glory days in the Boca Raton, Florida, area) are always looking for interesting opportunities. Contact Zan at zan@gate.net if you have a cool project for them.

Stig Erik Sando

Stig Erik Sando studies Algorithm Analysis and Software Development at the University of Bergen, Norway. He is currently working on a multi-platform research tool for art history and a full software development system, both fully available on the Web. He spends much of his spare time experimenting with the Web, and the result is a full-fledged virtual fantasy Web site run by a large number of experimental programs to provide a truly exceptional experience. You can contact Stig at


Dave Taylor

Dave Taylor is president of the interface design firm Intuitive Systems (http://www.intuitive.com) and has been exploring UNIX and the Internet for 16 years. His online electronic mailbox is


Rick Tracewell

Rick Tracewell, author of A Web Author's Handbook (Peachpit Press), is a columnist ("Real World Internet") and a contributor to magazines such as MacWEEK. He owns and operates TNT Media, an Internet and Intranet design and marketing firm. He has over 10 years experience as a marketing/advertising consultant and has been designing and marketing World Wide Web pages since early 1994. Rick, his wife Donna, and their two children, Kelsey and Nico, live in beautiful Scotts Valley, California.

Richard Wainess

Richard Wainess is a multimedia consultant and owner of Digital Visionaries, a new media company specializing in Web site design, multimedia, video production, and 3D animation. With almost two decades of experience in the evolving media arena, his clients have included corporations in air transportation, insurance, medicine, entertainment, and aerospace. He has written and produced instructional video media, training pamphlets, and numerous articles on media design. As an Authorized Macromedia Developer, he currently teaches multimedia authoring at InfoDirect (an authorized Macromedia Training Center). Richard holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Media Management from the Radio-Television-Film department at California State University, Northridge.

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